Collection: Candles

This year I was able to collect enough beeswax to start making candles, sign of a growing apiary. I was also able to find some sustainably harvested bayberry wax and have added a few items made with it to this collection. 

A bayberry candle burnt to the socket brings food to the larder and gold to the pocket.

Folklore says that if you light a brand new bayberry candle on Christmas Eve you will have wealth and prosperity for the new year. The candle should be lit in the evening, when you see the first star appear in the sky. You should not extinguish the candle yourself (bad luck!); it should burn until after midnight down to the nub and go out on its own.

Who doesn't love a good historical holiday tradition?

All of these candles are hand poured by me and made from either 100% beeswax, or bayberry wax with a bit from the bees to help them to burn smoothly.